Sunday, June 13, 2010

And now I'm fed up. I drove everywhere today because I just said, "Fuck it," and my car seemed to be holding up ... until I drove it from the coffeehouse to the Italian place tonight. Started driving and in mere yards, boom!, there goes the low oil level light. Went off a few seconds later, and I didn't see it again, but I'm convinced something's wrong. The engine could be devouring oil, or there could be a leak, or it could be the pump, or it could be the sensor, but something's wrong, and I hope I have the balls to confront it by taking it to a car shop.

Went to the strip club after working out. The stripper-turned-waitress who stole my money and told me to fuck off several months ago is there waitressing again. I hadn't seen her in so long I thought she heeded the advice of the bar's owner and found another job. (By the way, reports that my favorite strip joint is closing may be exaggerated. Stay tuned.) But she was there, and not only was she civil to me, she was joking around, saying hi and how am I doing. What the fuck??? You tell me to fuck off after you refuse to show me your tits and then you act like nothing happened?! What the fuck's a matter with you?!?! Whatever -- told her goodbye when I left.

I hate everything right now -- my car, the strip club, this stripper-turned-waitress that can't decide whether to tell me to fuck off or be nice to me. I hate my long hair, I hate the car needs a new turn bulb, I hate that I need to buy a new laptop mouse, I hate all of it. I'm sick of it, man, I really am.

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