Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Forlorn Bag Of Donated Grocs

We have too much food. Much of it goes to waste. Much of it is bought by my Grandmother.

The Friday of Memorial Weekend I took the step of giving it away. My first target was something I actually bought: two loaves of bread that were on sale. I was told by Mother that that was two too much. That was the catalyst for me looking at websites that take food.

I found a place closer to downtown that I can use sidestreets to get to. I first donated one loaf of bread because I thought we could consume the other. When it became clear that just wasn't going to happen, one day I looked to see Grandmother spacing out in her bed watching her videos, quickly grabbed a bag and took the remaining loaf from the fridge.

Then I looked around. There's a lot more stuff I can take away. She bought a lot of stuff, I tell you. So I decided to also donate a box of Pop-Tarts and a bag of Doritos, and I took off.

I was really busy that week. I forgot that this food shelf was only open until 3; I realized such when I got there and it was closed. I had to take my parents to the airport afterward, and they'd get mad (or at least ask questions) if they saw the bag of groceries in my trunk, so I had to get rid of it. I decided to just lay the bag on the front step, hoping that somebody from the food shelf will just pick it up the next day.

I had been thinking about that bag all weekend. I imagined it sitting all alone, with no one to embrace it and give it a good home. I wanted to take it back away from the unrelenting humidity of the weekend. And then it was going to rain one of those days, and I feared the bag was going to rip or rot, and the food was going to spill all over the street. And I beat myself up that I just laid the bag out front without pushing it well within the roof of the front door; instead it was exposed to the sky and any precipitation that fell that weekend. But I was so busy that holiday, I just couldn't.

And yet the bag haunted me. Finally I made an excuse that my parents' minivan needed a car wash, which just so happens to be on the way to the food shelf. Memorial Day I stopped by to see if the groceries were OK.

It was gone.

Guess one of the neighbors or some stranger took it a few hours after I left it. Or maybe a guy from the food shelf did drop by sometime over the weekend and took the food inside.

Bye-bye, bag of donated groceries.

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