Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Parents Are Getting In My Way

Lately -- although this may have been going on for years now and I just haven't noticed -- my parents ask me to do shit for them while eating dinner -- making letters, helping them out with Internet shit, asking me questions about Europe, etc.  This may be because they'll be going on a cruise soon and they have a lot of things to ask me.  It also could be that I have a lot of things I want to do after I come home from work but am not able to start because of them, and I'm keenly aware of that because of all the pieces I want to write but can't, and all of the tasks I need to go online to research and complete but can't, because of them.

It's getting frustrating.  I love my job and I certainly need the money, but if I wasn't working, even if only for a week, I'd be able to do all the things I need to do.  Now, having no energy at the end of work doesn't help, and Daylight Saving Time, and the immediate beginning of night once I hit home, doesn't help either.  But I'm thinking of all the alumni club stuff I should get on top of, all the money reconciling I need to do, the paperwork when it comes to stocks and accounts and health insurance I should look at again ... if I could just be left alone, I'd be able to do that.  Instead, I immediately come home and have to eat, and while eating my fucking folks tell me they need me to do this or to do that, and then I finish up and eat so I can do this or do that, and inevitably it gets complicated and of course they ask me more questions, mostly likely stuff I don't know the answer to but they won't accept that, and, like, it's 9 o'clock.

OK, I exaggerate.  But they ask me shit to do every night.  Often they ask me to do, like, four fucking things, like they did tonight.  The really stupid thing My Fucking Father asked me to do was to type yet another letter to the insurance company demanding -- not asking, demanding -- they they give him money to fix the house.  I've written to them once before, but he didn't like the answer they gave him.  So he wants me to write again, only with sterner wording.  What the fuck?!?!?!

I walked away from the dinner table after that.  I had to.  But because I'm working Thursday night, they think they need me to do this now ... so I guess I will.  Even though it's stupid.  Because I can't get thrown out of the house.


In the meantime, I'm up.  Fell asleep after working on some Skype shit with Mother and conked off around 9, only to wake up at a quarter to 3.

The only productive thing I've been able to do is catch up on porn.  I'm currently trekking through Reality Kings, something I haven't done in two weeks -- which I had not done then since mid- to late-August.  In the meantime I have logged back onto VEF for the first time since the evening of October 20, about 16 1/2 days.  Gee, for a guy who likes porn, I haven't seen it in a long time.

My Fucking Father's in the kitchen now.  Have to finish catching up on RK and masturbating to VEF without getting caught.  See ya.

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