Tuesday, October 7, 2014

First My Tasks, Then My Job

So today went ... rather quickly.  One just upped and quit; I thought she was going on a break, but she never came back.  Well, don't expect to get unemployment from us.

But what I benefited from in a quick (though busy) day I lost through yet another back-up of the other things I could be doing, the things I should be doing, the things that I had done in years past and feel comfortable doing.  Guess what I was brought in for this year was training, because I'm not doing a whole hell of a lot of anything else.  And the ease of knowing what my job entails has been replaced by the constant anxiety of, "Am I telling them the right things?" and "Why in the hell do I wake up in the morning for?" and "What if they think I suck?"

Meanwhile those tasks that I love to do while listening the radio and being left alone are probably going to be taken away from.  Before the new wave was brought in, my boss blindsides me that at some I will have to do even more training -- for the guys that have already been there.  I have to train them to send bills to companies.

Wait a second -- that's my job.  Well, not anymore, apparently.  See, since I'm too fucking busy teaching people how to do things (and teaching them incorrectly), someone will have to step in and do my job.  Unfortunately, that is a prime opportunity for these two people (two people who I don't completely trust, by the way) to do them faster than I can, even though I pride myself on being thorough and not making mistakes, which these guys still do (and I check; they still do, even after a month on the job).  But that doesn't matter to my boss.  No; he wants results!  And he'll get results, even if his real employees are going to have to clean up the messes they make after they're gone.

Well, that's assuming they go before I do.  And that may not necessarily be true, especially at the rate this is all going.  I can totally seeing them catching up on the bills before I can even get back to doing them, then my boss will be all impressed, then, around the holidays, he blindsides me again by keeping them on and letting me go.  That can happen.  That will happen.  And there's nothing I can do about it.

He tried that last year.  Although I've done this the season before, he offered the one job he was going to keep to this one girl.  She said no, partly because she wanted to do something else, but possibly because she didn't like working for my boss.  So he settled on me instead, and he came back to me this season.  I would have understood if she took it.  She was better than me; more importantly, I thought she was really nice, not like these two passive-aggressive dolts who are about to take over my job and eventually get me let go.

So I just do what I'm told, training the people who will eventually replace me, and training them poorly.  I'm holding my dick in my hands every day at work, and I slowly see people undercut me from below.  And I just continue to cast my fate to the winds because I am unable to do anything else.

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