Thursday, October 23, 2014

Yesterday And Today Are The Two Worst Days At Work, And I Know I Will Lose My Temper Today

I fucking hate work now.  I really fucking do.

On top of all the bullshit I have to do, all the things that jump up and ambush me, yesterday everything changed.  And all because we virtually ran out of work.  Because of that, everybody's role changed.  And that means I have to train everybody differently now.  I already have stress because of what I need to do, and now I have to do more?

And it's happening all at once, that's the most bothersome thing.  I can't deal with it at once.  There had to have been a better way for some people to migrate to other roles every week.  But everybody changed yesterday.  I can't handle that.  Well, we shouldn't have hired more people on last week; that took a huge hunk off the workload as well as set me back on the tasks I was supposed to do.  But now that means more people are doing stuff they don't know and I have to teach them on.

Then, there was this huge fucking problem with the codes.  I told my boss this last week and yesterday he fucking flips out about it??  That was shit I needed last week, and now that he gets all bent out of shape, I have to worry about this on top of all the training??  Fuck that.


In a half-hour I will be marching into work.  I have no fucking clue what I have to do, even though I know there are several things I need to do as soon as I fucking walk into the building.  Of all the bad days I've had with this job, I have never had to face something as overwhelming, as impossible, as that.  I have no goddamn idea what I need to do first -- train them, train her, separate the folders, help her with finding folders, getting more instructions on these codes ... I need to do it all, in half an hour.  Fuck this, fuck all of this.

Oh, and it's not helping that nearly every one of these temps just did something stupid yesterday.  One of them told me the name of the wrong person who wanted to see me.  Another confessed that she did something wrong because the temp next to her told her the wrong thing.  And I know that one of the temps ratted me out on these codes.  Boy, that's going to be great for credibility.  I already am feckless in front of these guys; they're just gonna do what they're gonna do because they don't think I'm a leader.  If I see something that challenges my authority today, or pisses me off, I know I'm going to lose it.  Because fuck all of this bullshit.

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