Wednesday, May 11, 2016


OK, so there are two people who are kind of throwing me off, which I don't like.

The first is what has come to be my immediate supervisor now since I fucking failed that goddamn test.  She was the supervisor who finally chastised me for simply getting coffee after going to the bathroom.  Ever since I knuckled under and held my bladder (well, I really couldn't; sometimes I go to the bathroom when it's not breaks -- hey, sometimes it's hard to hold it in for two damn hours!), however, she has been nothing but effusively praising my work.  Too effusive, to be honest: The constant attaboys actually makes her sound fake, especially when you consider that she really came down on me when I tried to head to the break room.  (She also was pretty terse with me with me after I asked how long was break after I learned that I had failed.  She wasn't composed when I needed something, now, was she?  That's the definition of being two-faced.)

But I have to be honest: The praise is working.  When she told me I was a doing a good job Monday, I really felt the pressure lifted off my bladder.  Really!  I didn't feel like I needed to pee before break, and that was because she told me I was doing well.  Something similar happened yesterday.  I still have a nagging, uh, suspicion that she's just shining my ass.  I mean, this could be a case of reverse psychology going on here, that really she's telling me I'm fast and accurate because I'm really slow and sloppy and that she just wants me to be fast and accurate.  Wouldn't put that past her.  But I am a sucker for approval, and the kid in me who always wanted my parents to say I was a good boy (I rarely heard that, by the way) just lights up whenever she says that.  It could be cheap praise, but damn it, I'll take it.

Now to this other guy ... this guy really bothered me yesterday.  He's known for two things.  One, he always dresses up -- not quite in a business suit, but he always has on dress pants, a vest and a relatively fancy hat.  And two, back on Saturday he carved up a melon and a watermelon in the shape of a goose.  Very impressive!

But when I tried to thank him for the geese melons on Saturday, he just looked at me and didn't respond.  That was odd.  I thought I didn't speak up enough, or long enough, so I just sloughed it off.  But yesterday, coming back from break, I held the back door open for him, and when he came through, he didn't thank me.  I stayed behind for his fucking ass and he wasn't even grateful?  How rude is this guy?

So maybe he's a dick.  Or, maybe, he thinks I'm his rival.  You see, he's the only other Asian in the room.  And unlike me, that fucker actually passed the test I failed.  I think he thinks I think of myself as the shit, and now that he passed a test I failed, he wants to usurp me as "the favored Asian," and he'll do it by undermining every kind gesture I pay him and just being a passive-aggressive son-of-a-bitch.  Hey, it may already work; I know failing this test puts me behind the three-quarters of the room that actually passed that fucking thing (including that dick).  I don't really see any advancement in this company anymore, if you know what I mean.  But he does, and to bump me off once and for all he'll be as nasty of a piece of shit as he can while being an untouchable artist savant to the people who decide who gets to be immediate supervisors and who doesn't.

Have to keep my eye out on him.  Her too.

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