Sunday, May 1, 2016

Smartphone In Ass Pocket Fetish

I was on a porn site (it could have been Vintage Erotica Forum) that had pictures of women wearing purses whose straps ran tightly inbetween their cleavage.  There was a slideshow of that.  I'm a pervert, but when I saw this I was all, What the fuck kind of weirdo likes this shit?  And I still kind of think that's kind of bizarre, and no way erotic at all.

Now, cellphones in asses, that's a thing that should be bigger!  Oh, man, I love it when I see a girl's ass with a smartphone hanging out its pocket.  Now, it should be a nice ass.  Well, let me take that back ... it would help if the girl is hot.  Or at least cute.  Or at least young and thin.  Yeah, that's the requirement.  She needs to be young and thin.  You can't help but see asses all the time.  But on top of that, when you see a phone hanging out of the ass pocket, that woman is calling attention to her ass, is she not?  And if that's the case, well, I think I have been given tacit permission to linger over her ass, and to see how good it is.  And if the girl is young and thin, that ass can't be that bad.

You know what I also like?  When a girl puts her phone away and slides it into her ass pocket.  That's just a signal saying, "Ooh, check out at my ass!"  When a girl does that, that second from the time she starts the motion until its in her pocket makes me giddy with anticipation -- except, and ironically enough, I never see that smartphone go into that ass because I know that girl is looking and I don't want to be made out as a pervert if she catches me looking!  What I also like is figuring out if the girl is left- or right-handed by which ass pocket her phone's in.  Naturally, whenever someone puts her phone away, she puts it away with her dominant hand.  And as it stands to reason, I have seen only one left-handed woman lately with her phone hanging out of her left ass pocket.

I kind of have noticed this for years now, but it really hit me that this is a fetish of mine when I was at the old test scoring place.  Yeah, that girl, the one who was promoted even though she started on the project alongside me.  She has a sweet tush regardless, but sometimes I would see her phone as she's walking to the printer, and I would get even harder (while, of course, still being consumed in confusion and disgust that she's probably walking to tell me I did a paper wrong, even though we started this project AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME!!!)  But a bigger offender was this other young chick who, thankfully, was still a grunt like me.  I don't know her deal; I actually think she is a temp hired by a company that uses, well, temp workers.  Holy Inception, Batman!  Anyway, she likes to get up a lot (like me, although no one's bitching at her about it, for good reason -- God, maybe I shouldn't have moved?) so I always see her ass as she's leaving the room, and there it is, her smart in her right ass pocket.  And with that I notice her ass, which is pretty good, although not as good as Just-Unjustly-Promoted Chick over here.

So OK, I have a smartphone in ass pocket fetish.  Sue me.  And watch out!  (Maybe.)

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