Saturday, May 28, 2016

Bad Driver: 863 NYL

You, in the white Escape, here's a tip for ya: When someone's merging onto a lane, don't drive up to that lane and block that person from merging.  Because that dude -- who's totally a nice dude so long as you don't fuck with them -- has nowhere else to go.  He can't drive faster and cut in front of you because there's no lane left, and there's no way he can slow down because doing so will mess up the traffic (which you partially made) behind you.

I have absolutely no goddamn idea why you wouldn't let me merge in front of you.  It's the right thing to do.  It's the Minnesotan thing to do.  What is neither right nor Minnesotan is the middle finger you gave me (possibly -- see, all I could see through my peripheral vision was you lifting your finger off of the steering wheel, which is also bad, because you should be fully attentive while driving at all times, like me, who was looking straight ahead as I finally rolled past your dumb ass) just because I honked at you/called you out.

God, I have this strange feeling I'm going to see you again, whoever the hell you are.  10:30 a.m. this morning, merging from Shingle Creek Park to 94 East.

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