Monday, November 28, 2016

I Have Never Felt Like More Of A Liar Than Just Now

So I just left work early in order to pick up these cereal samples that me and my "two kids" are supposed to eat and answer questions.  This even though I don't have any kids.

These aren't single-size boxes; these are regular-size, two of them, and I was given a very big bag to carry them.  That only makes the size of my lie larger.  So, after I read through the instructions to make sure I wouldn't get caught cheating or anything (no live videochats with anyone -- I am supposed to record "their" opinions on paper and later punch them in online), I got out of there with the quickness.

This might be the last time I ever fill out a survey that involves children in the household.  I don't know how long I can keep up the ruse, even if it does give me money.

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