Tuesday, November 29, 2016

My Back

My back has been hurting me for some time.  I don't really know when it started to act up, although I think the first inklings of my pain there happened when I was doing a test scoring project; to refocus myself I would get up and go to the bathroom, but my back would force my attention to stretching out my back.

Lately, though (and I'm sorry, but I can't give you an accurate timeline on "lately"), my back has been really hurting.  Whenever I get out of bed in the morning.  Whenever I get up from my work chair.  Whenever I get up from my lunchtime nap.  And whenever I get up from sitting on my bed after working on my laptop on it.  It's really bad.  And I have to be honest: I didn't think it was that bad, that really bad, until a couple days ago.  Really I thought that it was a phase and that it'll pass, or it was just a sign of my advancing age, but not only has my back pain stuck around, it's gotten worse.

I figured it would just go away because I have accumulated bad habits.  I think one big thing I've done more often is work on my laptop while sitting up in my bed -- like I'm doing now as I write this (at least this part of the blog post).  It forces me to hunch towards the lap screen, and that seems to put a lot of pressure on the small of my back.  That may be the sole cause that accelerated the back pain from what it was over the summer.  And it is not getting better because I, obviously, am continuing to lean toward.  And not for nothing, whenever I work on my bed, I oftentimes don't cross my legs in front of me.  Rather, I splay out my right leg on the outside.  Could that have something to do with it, like I'm maligning my spine?

Regardless, I don't know exactly if that's the cause.  It could be from me sleeping on my bed.  Don't exactly know how I could suddenly develop back pain sleeping on a mattress I've had for several years now.  I flipped it over in October, but ... that can't be it, can it?  And I hope to Buddha I don't have this pain because I sleep too much, because then My Father is going to use that against me.

And I also wonder if I somehow slipped a disc or something.  Because I have never felt so much pain in my back from standing up from a seated or a lying position ever before.  That this irritation came on relatively suddenly would make you think that something drastic happened.  But I've not been in an accident or a fight or anything.  It just hurts like a mother.

Finally, not to sound too conspiratorial, but I think other parts of my body are unduly hurting, too.  For example, starting last (Monday) night my fingers and arms felt a little tingly.  Also, I have felt some pangs from my hip.  Finally, my chest continues to beat conspicuously, ever since I shoveled last week.  It might be the caffeine, it might be something else.

I don't know what to do.  I've tried standing up.  My boss tried to crack my back twice.  I've been told by my boss to get a foam roller.  I'll try to get to a masseuse soon.  Maybe I should try yoga.  I should definitely see a doctor about this while I have time and before Trump dismantles Obamacare.

All I'm saying is, if I die, just remember I said this.

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