Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Oh, But If YOU Take It Into A Shop For Repairs, It's Fine. ...

This morning Mother and I helped Father haul our huge snowblower into my parents' minivan because he's going to take it to a shop for repairs.  When he told me last night over dinner that he wanted me to wake up early today to do this I was kind of apoplectic.

You see -- have I already blogged about this? -- I asked Father over dinner where he was taking the snowblower.  His answer leads me to believe he is taking it to the exact same place I took the lawnmower while my folks were away.  Thing is, I never told him I did.  I did tell him over the phone that the mower wasn't working (this was after I brought it into the shop), and he told me to have my uncle come over and look at it.  Of course I didn't do that; I figured I wanted the lawnmower to actually be fixed (no offense to my uncle).  Now -- and now that I think about it, I probably have already blogged about this -- their diagnosis was extensive and the cost to repair everything they thought needed to be repaired would actually buy a brand-new mower.  And then once I brought it home (without them repairing it), it worked fine.  But, well, bottom line is I surreptitiously brought it to a repair shop and I'm hiding that from my parents because I thought they would get mad, and now they're doing it.

Am I calling them hypocrites?  Uh, no.  They're doing what I decided to do; I just didn't tell them.  Nevertheless, there's a high chance that, as I type this, My Father will give the person taking in the snowblower his information and she or he will go, "Oh, you've already been here!" and my dad will go, "What?!" and then the worker will explain and he's going to come back either tonight or tomorrow and say, "So, you brought in the lawnmower to get it repaired when I told you not to. ..."

While we were trying to lift the blower into the minivan, I mentioned to My Father, "So, you didn't get my uncle to come and help you look at this?"  He may not have heard me.

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