Friday, October 27, 2017

Funny Seeing You Here ... Again, After, Like, Five Minutes

I had signed up for two experiments at the U. that were 15 minutes apart.  Didn't really plan it that way; I signed up for one, and then I signed up for a second, but that second was a two-parter, and the first part was done online, and after I did that online part I was told I would have to come to the U. to complete the second part.  Well, it just so happens that this second part would end 15 minutes before this first research study I signed up for.  Moreover, this morning, after I had made the mistake that this first experiment was going to be in the East Bank instead of the West Bank, I realized that both research studies were going to be in the same building.  And to top all of that off, once I got there, I realized that not only are both experiments back-to-back and not only were they in the same building, but they were in the same friggin' room.

So this is what happened.  After I got done with the first research study (with one slight hiccup that had to do with me not being a current student at the U.) I exit through the back ... then come back in through the same waiting room in which I went in the first time (I didn't wait for the first experiment; I got there and the host opened the door and invited all of us in while I was signing in).  I was there for five minutes before a different host opened the door to the same room to bring us in for Research Study #2.  I saw the host for Research Study #1 put his coat on and gather up his things while I scurried past him in some phantom sense of shame to my own workstation.  There was a helper/proctor for Research Study #1 who stayed for a couple minutes as Research Study #2 began, and we locked eyes briefly.  Again, maybe I didn't have to feel so sheepish, but I didn't want to lock eyes with him because he would think, "Hey, weren't you already here?"

But I did both experiments and got $14.75 for the first one and $15 for the second, and now I'm away from the U. and I got some income for today, so that's all that really matters.

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