Saturday, November 3, 2018

Check Your Privilege, Jaywalker

It's about time I write about this.

So the last time I was working the Vikings game, after leaving the Vikings game, I'm driving down Washington Ave.  I get to this relatively busy area and I don't remember the cross-street, all I know is that there are no crosswalks there, OK?  But there was a family walking across the street.  And suddenly, the "father" of the group, who was holding by the hand two small individuals I assume were his kids, stops in the lane to the left of me and holds his hand up to stop me.  Ostensibly he's doing that because there are other members of his group, including over individuals I presume are his parents, that are also walking across Washington Ave.

I want to emphasize, strongly, that there is no crosswalk in the area of Washington Ave. where I got, for lack of a better term, "stopped."  And yet this asshole had the cojones to take it upon himself to stop his illegal walk and, from the other lane, put up a metaphorical stop sign so the rest of his party could jaywalk.

I have never had that done to me before in my life.  And I let him know it as I locked eyes on him with absolute disbelief for the 15 seconds it took for the rest of his crew to jaywalk.  This prick was tall and had effeminate curly hair and, obviously, a sense of entitlement.

Look, I haven't spoken to a cop about this.  But let's just assume I was going under the speed limit.  This asshole put up his hand because he thought I was going to speed through.  Of course I was not going to plow into his loved ones.  But is there a crosswalk anywhere in that part of Washington Ave. that would compel a car to slow down?  No!  Those fucking people walked across that street because they wanted to, and I bet it's not because they had the legal right of way.  Instead what happened was that a car skidded to a stop on a very busy street where no cars should be stopped.

All I could do was burn a whole through that buttmunch.  Eventually he put his hand together as if to say I talk too much, which is weird because I didn't say a thing to him.  Well, until after he made that talk too much gesture, to which I gestured him to jaywalk his ass back to me so we could, uh, discuss the rules of the road a little more on the sidewalk.  But he grabbed his kids and turned away.

I do not see myself as wrong on this, as much as this guy with his head up his own ass thinks he's not only right but doing the right thing by stopping traffic on a busy street at a busy time of day.  What that entitled son-of-a-bitch believed he could get away with ... man, a part of me wanted to blow right through them.  I am not going to be talked down to by people who think they can walk wherever the hell they want because they're on foot.  You want cars to stop for you, prick?  Find a goddamn crosswalk.  And stop thinking that you're God.

Check your privilege, jaywalker.

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