Saturday, November 10, 2018

Furnace Fuckin' Leaked Again Last Night

But I think I know why.  I mean, it shouldn't happen, but I think I now know when it happens.

So the humidifier has seven different settings.  It has always been set on "4," the normal setting.  But looking at the instructions and knowing how cold it is outside, there is a recommended level of humidity for the house, and to do that, yesterday I raised it to "5," meaning more moisture in the air.

I don't remember how long I left it at that setting.  But something told me to check, and once I got down to the furnace, yep, the hose was dripping and/or leaking water.  I had the good sense to put the mop bucket underneath the hose, but the hose is flush against the furnace, and the lip of the bucket is flat, plus the shape of the bucket meant that a lot of the water reached the floor.  It didn't swamp the entire basement, thank goodness, and the Shamwow soaked up some of the water and, well, time evaporated the water in the bucket.  But there was a lot more water than I thought, and I don't think I left the furnace for that long.

However, I think that the first time it happened it happened with the humidifier set on "5."  So, even though I turned off the heater before I went to work today (came back and it was 55 degrees -- yikes!), I feel good that water leaks only when I set the humidifier at something past "4."  I don't know if it's ideal for the house or for my sinuses, keeping at a "normal" setting.  But I'll take a dry cough -- and warmth -- over dealing with a fucking water leak.

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