Monday, November 19, 2018

Bad Driver: ATP A24 (white Volvo?)

Kid, your problem was veering to the lane to my left as I was preparing to get onto 35WN.  That's all.  You couldn't fathom being behind me, so you changed lanes and changed back in front of me ... and you slowed down before we hit the on-ramp.

I'll be honest: You are not the first asshole who's pulled that shit.  But tonight, after taking it in the chin for so goddamn long, you were the one I finally challenged.  You were the one who convinced me to turn off the ECON button and see what my car's got.  And goddamn, when I cut in front of you and pissed you off, man, that was satisfaction.  Knowing you feel just as pissed off as I do whenever you and other pricks cut me off, everything else you did was gravy.  Sure, maybe you pulling back in front of me was dangerous because 1) construction cut off the number of lanes and 2) there was another driver neither of us accounted for.  And I must say, your passive-aggressive stunt of driving behind me was a neat trick.  Until the time you drove away from the 100 exit, I was wondering if I knew a police station I could pull into.

But shit, man, anything I made you feel, you brought on yourself for that bullshit maneuver before 35WN.  But hey, at least I know my car can go 100.  It can't really brake as fast, and I probably did a number on my transmission (same to you I assume), but now I know what my car's capable of.  And you know what?  I have your punk ass to thank for that, too!

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