Friday, July 19, 2019

Getting Re-Educated -- Bullshit ...

So, remember when I said one of my supervisors is keen on "re-training me" so I would work faster?  Once I passed my six-month review earlier this week, up to yesterday morning, I thought I was just being paranoid.  But later in the morning he sidles up to me and says, "Remember what I said last week about re-training you?  We'll do that later today."  Well, fuck me.

And he proceeded to go back and tell me everything I have been doing wrong.  Well, not really.  But yes, really.  Look, I'll be honest: I'm really most embarrassed about two mistakes that happened while he was looking over my shoulder.  One was me waiting for a form when I should have been looking for a folder (sorry to be so vague; like I think I've said before, I don't want to give too much detail because then people might know what I'm talking about).  I saw this folder in the filing cabinet but ignored it because I was looking for a form, which just happens to be inside the folder.  He opened up the cabinet, looked into the folder, and took out the form.  Fuck me.  The other fuck-up was kind of the opposite: I grabbed a form when I didn't need to.  It was of a certain kind that we don't look up, even though I was told, according to this sheet, to get it.  I mean, my supervisor told me this, but I forgot.

See, I don't do well when someone is looking over my shoulder, especially one who is critiquing my work.  So I made two errors -- admittedly mistakes on my part -- with him watching me.  That probably doesn't look good in his eyes.  Add to it that I don't think he's that great of a manager.  The other people around him mention, for example, that he likes to do things his way.  And he is kind of grabby when I ask him questions.  Now, to be fair, I do ask him a lot of questions, so he may think that some "re-education" is in order.  Plus he did give me one tip that would make things faster for me.  Finally, maybe he hates doing this as much as I hate him doing this to me.  Maybe he was told to re-train me because he has orders from my actual boss.

Or, it could be all of these things.  That he is trying to help me, but is being a dick about it because he has very poor interpersonal skills.  And that while I don't like being told what to do, I do need the help.

At any rate, we're going through this shit again, only in a different area.  I'll try to keep an open mind about it, but I'll reserve the right to roll my eyes, and/or start telling him he's a nag.  We'll see.

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