Sunday, July 7, 2019

Conflict Day #2

This should be a fun day, and I think it will be, and I think I eventually will enjoy myself.  But it's going to be a busy one, and it's filled with conflicts that I would have preferred not to face.

This morning, in about six hours or so (shit, I should go to sleep), I am going to Cedar-Riverside (hopefully; depends on parking and the crowd) for the Women's World Cup Final.  The U.S. is an extraordinary favorite, which scares me, because I think the Netherlands can park the bus and squeeze out either a counterattack Goal or send the game to Penalty Kicks.  We are brimming with too much confidence.  Either way, I'm going to see the game and hopefully see a win with allies.

After that I go to the inaugural 3M Open, barely 15 minutes away from home.  I'm not a fan of the sun, so I am prepared (for the first time this season) to wear both sunscreen and bug spray.  But the novelty of seeing a PGA Tour for the first time in my life, and at a golf course so close to home, forces me to go and risk heat stroke (even though the humidity has come down from earlier in the week) and potentially huge crowds to see this event.  I will be missing the Copa America Final between Brazil and Peru, but you only get to see a first once, you know?

And besides, there is another final, the Gold Cup Final between the United States men and Mexico, that evening.  In retrospect, seeing the 3M Open (and being out of the house) is a good thing for me.  I might be able to survive waiting around three hours before the Copa America championship, and really, once the U.S. men won its Semifinal versus Jamaica, the Gold Cup title game was going to be more important.  This way, I can go from the golf course to ... well, I shouldn't go home ... I'll either exercise or take a nap in my car, then go to a place (maybe the American Outlaws hangout in downtown Minneapolis?) to watch that Match at 8.

Regardless, this is an echo of what happened two weeks ago.  Then, an obligation precluded me from seeing golf.  Now, golf is precluding me from seeing soccer.  Wait -- now that I typed that it doesn't look as profound as it sounded in my head.  Maybe I should go to bed now.

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