Thursday, July 11, 2019

Addendum To: Oh, Am I Bothering You Now?

Oh, and another thing that she did that pisses me off: OK, we have a cart because there sometimes are a lot of folders that come in that we need to take care of.  When I was being a gentleman I used the cart to bring the folders in.  Then I leave this cart in the room because, well, she and other people leave it outside next to a second cart.  I didn't think it was a big deal to leave this second cart in the room; we'll just exchange it the next time we grab the folders.

This women, who I thought was nice but apparently hates it when she thinks someone like me is pissing on her gate, literally takes this cart and puts it back outside, even though there are no folders to bring back into the room.  She made an actual fucking show of this (even though I only remembered this just now, waking up) because she didn't like I did -- what I did for her.  I mean, just because it's your job today means you get to control everything?!  When it's my job to do the job she did yesterday she also takes that second cart outside?!?!  Seriously, how controlling of a fuck are you???

I thought she was cool.  Man, was I wrong.

Oh, well.  She's leaving soon.

Then again, I have to be in that fucking department tomorrow.  I feel more respected out in DE now.  Crazy world.

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