Saturday, January 11, 2020

I Will Miss This Department

Because of a combination of staff shortages and a backlog of training, I had been asked to come in on weekends to work even though I have shifted to a Monday-Friday schedule.  Don't mind it, love it.  I don't mind the extra paycheck, and frankly, it gives me a couple more opportunities to work at my favorite department, back here.  There are only two other people during the workweek, there is no one but me on Saturdays, I'm not being scrutinized, nobody is walking behind me, I can go to break or lunch whenever I want, and, especially on Saturdays, there is no one who is tracking me whenever I take a break that's a tad longer than it should be.

Now, it's not without its faults.  People can't walk behind me, but they sometimes surprise me when they come around the partition.  And there is still a lot of things I don't know.  This department is more akin to conversations with people in order to get things done, and that's something I'm still getting used to.  For example, someone just asked me for my contact number.  I didn't see that my phone is in a no-call mode, and I don't know how to take it off.  Did that person try to call me?  If so, is she mad?

Beyond that, this department is good.  And that's why I was bummed when my boss said that, although he scheduled me, he was going to take the half-day I was supposed to work next Saturday morning and give it to the person who is being trained in.  He's the dude who took my Tuesday-Saturday shift, and so it would be natural for him to, during his scheduled workweek, work back here.  Once he gets up to speed, it looks as though I won't be working here much, if at all.  And that makes me quite sad.

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