Saturday, January 18, 2020

Because Of A Fucking Ramp?!?!?!

I planned on not spending any money today.  I also thought I would be staying in until the evening because it would be snowing outside.  But after the three inches I plowed last night around 9, we got only another inch.  A total of four, when we were supposed to get eight, even ten?  I'll take it!

My original, original plan was to go out this morning for EPL downtown.  Really was going to brave it if, by some reason, the snowstorm was not as cataclysmic as I thought it would be.  It was far from it this morning; I saw no snow, and the snow that fell after I plowed it I would not normally even shovel.

So I was going to go out!  But wait, I need to spend money!  No -- they were offering free pastries and coffee!  So I can go in, eat and drink, hang out, and once the 9 o'clock games were over, I'm gone -- without spending money!  Great!

Well, that was my plan.  I was going to park in their ramp, which was supposed to be free as well, then leave.  But (and I'll be honest, I kind of lost interest in blogging this, so I am going to begin skipping through the details) when I tried driving up to the ramp, the arm was down.  When I park here, for free, that arm is up.  Why was it down?  I was going to have to pay in order to leave, and my mantra was no money.

And what's worse is that when I backed down the driveway, I got stuck.  Glad I had this new car shovel.  (Used it; when I went to put it in the back [as I was spending money at Arby's -- you'll see what I mean], there was not a speck of water on it.)  But while I was digging myself out, this guy, probably living in the poor hotels a couple blocks away, volunteered to push me out.  I didn't have to be pushed out; I was able to shovel all the snow out of under my car, and frankly, I don't think this motherfucker did any shit.  But goddammit, I felt trapped.  I couldn't just reject his help and then, once he "helped," I couldn't not give him money.  So I backed out of the car while he essentially did nothing and I gave him two bucks.

So now I spent money today, and therefore I need to spend money on another thing today because I already spent money, and that's why I got Arby's even though I'll be eating at my aunt and uncle's place in a couple hours.  And all because I had to pay to park when I wasn't supposed to?  Fuck this.

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