Monday, June 7, 2021

So Many Clothes I Need To Rotate Them, OCD Style

Last Monday, also known as Memorial Day, I stayed in and actually did some work around my bedroom.  Well, sorta.  I didn't read through my stuff or throw things away.  Instead, I did what is supposed to be an annual rotating of my shirts and pants.  There is one hamper where I keep my excess pants and jeans, so all I do is take out all the jeans and pants I have been using from my drawers, put them in the hamper, and replace those with the ones in the hamper.  (There are way more in the hamper than I can put in the drawer, so I have to keep several -- well, many -- in the hamper.  I hope I remember which ones I need to rotate in next year.)

However, there are three hampers full of t-shirts.  And while I was replacing the ones in the drawer, I got confused as to which hamper I should replace those t-shirts with.  I just picked one I think had the t-shirts that I have not worn the longest, but then I ... hesitated.  I looked at another hamper and, for some reason, I thought that the t-shirts in there have been there longer than the ones in the hamper I was going through.  And so I put all the t-shirts I had in that hamper, threw that hamper back in my closet, and took out this other hamper, from which I took out (only some) t-shirts and rotated them into my drawer.

I have no idea if the t-shirts now in my drawer are ones that I haven't worn in ... well, if I only do this rotation thing every year, and I have three hampers, well ... three years.  It could have been two.  I could have worn them last year; shoot, it was the pandemic, so I easily could have forgotten that I wore these t-shirts last year.  But I thought I had a fleeting fear when I did this last year that I had a system in my head where I thought I could remember which hamper I needed to take from the following year, and of course I have no damn clue which hamper I had used most recently because I flat-out forget which hamper is which.

It's useless to try and figure it out now.  I have decided that I have a hamper I am going to take from next year, and -- wow -- 2023 and -- double wow -- 2024.  But what I should do now is throw a note in each hamper reminding myself when I do this next year which of them I should take out next year and which ones the following.  I haven't done that yet; I have Post-It notes I took from work, but I wonder if getting a larger sheet would be better because then it wouldn't get lost inbetween my t-shirts.  But I should do that before I forget which hamper I've decided to use next year and which beyond.

One other note: Like with the pants and jeans, each hamper has way more t-shirts than fit in the drawer.  So for every hamper, there will be a few that I simply don't have the room to use.  Which means that, at least theoretically, beyond the three-year rotation I already have for all my t-shirts, there is a more than likely chance that there will be some t-shirts I will not be wearing for up to six years.  That's a lot of stuff.

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