Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Yes, I Have Second Shift Anxiety

I have to confess something I have felt.  Even though I like second shift on the whole, I realize that I still have anxiety.

I've felt this way ever since the first time I filled in.  Now, let me say that there are tremendous advantages to second shift that I will always treasure -- having the whole department to myself (after a certain time), not having supervisors there to potentially critique my work, not having people within my vicinity (let alone my personal space), and in fact not having people around me, period.  I won't trade those perks for anything else.  And that this is second shift may be the only reason I wouldn't jump at this position if it ever were offered on a full-time basis.

But it has since dawned on me that I still feel stressed during second shift.  I can relax and I do stop and look at the Internet from time to time.  But I know that as the only person there, I am the only person who can keep the work moving.  That's a not insignificant weight on my shoulders.  I also remember that I will catch crap for all of the mistakes I make during second shift.  Now, that still happens first shift, and at least with second shift I will be corrected for those mistakes either the next night, the next day (if I revert back to first shift), or through e-mail, and that's a whole lot better than to be told right there and then.  But that fear still stays with me, and it leads me to do good work ... or at least as much work as possible, such as this past evening, where I had forms that I needed to scan into our software, and that made me 15 minutes late leaving, and I don't know if overtime is being allowed this week.

So, again, I am not saying woe is me over my evenings at work.  But I finally have to come clean and admit that it ain't all wine and roses then, and it might be because I'm putting pressure on myself.

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