Sunday, July 25, 2021

Not My Idea, But Apparently It's My Responsibility

So this morning, for some reason, the power cut out to the house.  And then it turned on immediately, only for it to shut down immediately after that for, like, ten seconds, and then it's been on since.  I think it affected the whole neighborhood, but I don't know that for certain.

Unfortunately that happened in the middle of my parents' sprinkler system routine.  It stopped apparently right when one of the sprinklers was watering my parents' garden.  And try as he might, not only was Father not able to turn the sprinklers back on, he couldn't even get the water to turn back on, either.  That latter thing is strange.

So, Mother called me out, and for the next hour or so Father and I was running outside to see if the hose was working and down the garage to look over the instructions in case they had troubleshooting tips as to what to do when an electrical short happens.  (There isn't.)  I had no idea what to do.  And this illuminates a sore spot I have with my parents: It was their idea to buy this elaborate sprinkler system for the front and back yards, yet they no very little about how it works, and so they think it's my responsibility to operate it and fix it when it malfunctions.  As someone who had no say in this and had no idea they were even thinking about setting this up, I think their mentality is BS.

Father got the water to flow again.  Either that or the water just started flowing, or something.  I'm thinking that everything is back to normal because the time on the sprinkler command system didn't reset and the routines were all still programmed in there, but we really won't know until 1 (which is about a half-hour after I type this), which is when the next routine is supposed to kick in.  I won't be here, though, because I need to exercise and I don't care to stick around to see it work.

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