Sunday, November 20, 2022

I Like Crazy Only When I Am Crazy

This idea of these two women, *****n and ****e, double-teaming me like they did last time (have I blog posted about this?  I don't see it), was a bad fucking mistake Friday.  First both of them talked about money, money, money when I already gave *****n money for her kids' school supplies.  And then ****e started spitting water onto my junk.  I know you didn't my suck my dick -- why are you making my pants all wet with water?

And then they told me they were done even though I didn't cum.  If I'm giving both of them $140 (and I'm being generous because *****n owed me a freebie and ... oh, I'll talk about that later), I'm cumming.  I finally did, and then ****e tried to suplex me into the light for some goddamn reason.  And then I put my pants back on and it's so fucking wet with all this water.  It's like she poured an entire bottle onto me and my pants.  It's freezing outside and I have to deal with a wet ass?

Oh, and finally, *****n asked for money.  And you know what?  I gave it to her.  Stupid fucking me, thinking with my cock, gave her money, even though I already gave her money for her kids' school supplies and she said she owed me.  I'm paying her more money.  Why the fuck am I doing that?

What a goddamn disaster.  Pro tip: All sexual encounters are ruined when you talk about money right then and there.  It should be settled beforehand.  Or, in the case of these two a month or four months or whenever the last time I got DT'd by these two, just enjoy the crazy-ass ride they wanted to give you and then show them you only had so much in your wallet.  All the dick-sucking they did was their fault because they didn't arrange the cash beforehand.  Similar to it being my fault for caving in and giving those two more money when the arrangement was, uh, not.  It wasn't settled mostly because those two shook me down for even more money, and they weren't going to drop it because they were withholding services if I didn't meet their demands.  It's an understatement, but that's a mood-killer.

But also -- and maybe this is less of an issue than the money thing, but it's kind of the point I'm holding myself to just based on the subject line -- ****e was nuts.  Not just crazy, not even good crazy, but nuts.  She was just a fucking whore the last time, but this time, she was ... psychotic and not in a good way.  Besides the spitting water, she was talking a lot of fucking gibberish; whenever she wasn't demanding that I give the both of them money, she was mumbling about some dumb shit I didn't understand.  But telling me they were done when they didn't finish me off -- well, that was what ****e said, and I had to jerk myself off onto her to get my fill.  I would've came, easily, if she weren't so ... dumb-crazy.  And yeah, I guess I get a little ... crazy when I want sexual stuff.  Maybe I'm being a hypocrite, but I feel like I'm focused on getting what I want; I'm just really, oh, intense when I want it.  I don't know what the fuck ****e (and by extension *****n -- she wasn't talking like she was having a mental breakdown, but she was there and she was money-grubbing too) was talking about or doing, except that she wasn't physically pleasing me, which is what I want.  Where was the ****e that just pulled my dick out of my pants and gave me a blowjob at the kitchen?  Without asking me for money??

See, I want sex when I go crazy.  I sure as hell don't want it when the girl is crazy.  This ... OK, double standard was confirmed on Friday.  And what I thought was going to be another fantastic night wound up being another instance where I got fucking ripped off.  Fuck ... uh, to hell with them both.

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