Wednesday, January 4, 2023


I plowed four inches of snow right after work last/Tuesday night.  Four isn't that much; it's my personal cutoff as to whether I need to plow or if I can just shovel.  But I tried to launch my car up the driveway, and it got stuck with its ass just jutting out, so I couldn't wait to do it after taking a nap -- I had to clear the whole fucking driveway of snow right then and there so I could bring my car up the driveway.

Trying to look on the bright side, the snowblower works just fine; I don't remember the last time I've had to operate it more than twice in a week, but it feels none worse for the wear.  And it feels good to be able to clear the driveway of snow, like a man.  It took about an hour and 45 minutes, but it's clear of snow.

Well, until after I got done, because it's goddamn snowing again!  And the forecasts are still consistent in saying that this past evening is just a lull between bands of snowstorms.  In fact, the second wave, which began in the evening and might last through fucking Thursday morning, could drop as much snow as the first wave did.  Which means I have to go fucking plowing again!

All that feeling like a man stuff I described in the second paragraph?  Yeah, fuck that shit.  My heart's beating like a drum; just warning y'all that I could drop dead of a bad ticker any minute now.  Hell of a lot better to plow than to shovel, but fucking Christ, it took a lot out of me.  And it looks like I have to take out the snowblower again.  I have never used the plow on consecutive nights, and I have never used one three times in a week.  It worked last night, and I hope to God it can work again, because I ain't shoveling this shit.

You know, maybe Hawai'i did spoil me.  Maybe I am already over this snow bullshit.  Maybe I'll just give up and move south to Florida like every other retiree.  Because I don't feel like goddamn plowing the snow again.

Oh, fuuuuuuuck ... I have to get up early to clear my car of snow, too.  I hope there isn't so much snow I won't be able to get out of my driveway.  How goddamn ironic.  Jesus fucking Christ. ...

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