Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I Was A 24-Hour Party Person, And Not By Choice

I took a nap around, oh, 4 or 4:30 Sunday as the Eagles were just killing the 49ers.  No use staying up for a football Game when it's not in doubt.

I woke up at around 5:30, fortunately just in time for me to see the kickoff the AFC Championship Game.  I did stay up to watch the whole thing, thankfully, and I didn't fall asleep because it was a great Game from beginning to end.

And I didn't sleep for another, oh, 28 1/2 hours.  I tried going to sleep.  I felt as though my energy was flagging around midnight, but I powered through by staying on the Internet until, oh, 2:30.  I turned off the lights, crawled back into bed ... then realized I wasn't tired at all.  Remember that 9 1/2- hour sleep I got for Saturday morning that made me late for my free Chick-Fil-A?  I think that made me so refreshed that my circadian rhythm got out of whack, and that nap Sunday evening threw it off even more, to the point where I couldn't sleep at all overnight.

That scared the crap out of me.  I was afraid I was going to conk off on my way to work, or at work.  I just wanted to make it to my lunchtime nap.  I got a free Rockstar energy drink from, uh, maybe a United Match over the summer that I had no real interest in drinking because energy drinks scare me, but I kept it in the refrigerator anyway in case I needed a jolt of energy.  Well, yesterday was it.  I popped it open mid-morning.  I've had them before -- they always taste too sweet, like they think you puckering your lips will keep you awake.  I felt a little as if my heart was going to burst through my chest.  I didn't feel a second wind or anything, but I was awake, so maybe the Rockstar can take credit.

I took lunch as usual, around 1:15.  Thought I'd be so tired that I could sleep through my alarm.  But I didn't fall asleep.  At all.  That scared me because I planned on working out last night.  Still did since apparently my body still thought it could go, go, go.  But a series of things stopped me.  First, it's damn cold out there right now.  Second, there was shopping for groceries and running off to the library I needed to do.  Third, I planned on grabbing some gasoline for storage, plus the minivan could get its tank topped off, and my coupon expired last night, so I wanted to do all that.  And finally, on my way to the community center, I just felt ... tired.  I think my body started to give out.  I needed to go there because I needed to check whether I paid for my membership last year; my company provides reimbursement for fitness-related expenses, and today is the last day to send in receipts.  (I paid for over a year in advance back in 2021; any reimbursement I would have gotten I did get last year.)  I was going to kill two birds with one stone and then work out, but ... yeesh, I didn't want to.

Getting gas was an adventure.  I had to go to a specific brand's station.  I was going to go to the one closes to me, but some asshole cut me off and by stupid goddamn coincidence was going to the same gas station as I.  Hey prick, did a hot bodybuilder diddle herself in front of you for free over Snapchat Sunday night?  No?  Fucking loser.  Anyway, the second I went to turned off all their pumps.  The whole fucking station was shut down.  The hell was that shit?  I finally went to the one I usually go to because there you can still pump before you pay.  Should have gone there straightaway.

By the time I came back it was 9.  I thought about working out at home, but my fingers and toes were really, really cold.  I bought some groceries at the gas station where I got gasoline, and so I made myself a sandwich.  I hopped on the computer and then my body felt really, really tired.  My body was finally giving out, so I called it a night a bit past 10.  Woke up around 5 this morning.  Don't feel refreshed, but I think my body is in better shape.

Oh, by the way: Since I was up, I thought that I could sneak in grocery shopping at Target before heading in to work.  But then I remembered that I still had the free chicken biscuit at Chick-Fil-A.  Yesterday/Monday was the last day to use it (did I say that in my previous blog post?  Guess not), and I figure it was kismet that I could use it.  So, top of the morning at 7, I went there and used it.  And hey, the restaurant was actually open!

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