Monday, January 30, 2023

No Free Chick-Fil-A For Me, And That's OK

The thing I like about Chick-Fil-A (and no, not its homophobic roots) is that it gives out rewards on its app in a way most other fast food places don't.  First of all, I can't think of another restaurant that gives out free food, period -- no BOGO, no stipulation that you need to buy it on the app or anything like that, none of that.  It is they give you free food.  You need to have the app, of course, but still.  Moreover, it's restaurant-specific.  I believe the general manager of each store is empowered to drop into the app of anyone who either frequents its store and names it as a favorite one of these free enticements.

And so it is with the Chick-Fil-A closest to me.  At the start of the month, I think, I was offered a free chicken biscuit.  They're great.  Unfortunately, that's a breakfast sandwich, and so that confines when I can get it to Saturdays.  (Sundays, of course, Chick-Fil-A is closed.  They're a godly fast food place.)  I guess I could've gone on the 7th or the 14th, but I didn't.  I was watching the EPL on the 21st.  So I had one final shot: The 28th, or Saturday.

I meant to set my alarm for 9:30; that way I would give myself enough "lazing time" to finally get up and drive to Chick-Fil-A before they switch to their lunch menu at 10:30.  In fact, I thought I did.  But ... well, I didn't have a whole lot to do, but I guess I just got caught up with figuring out if I could get a ticket to the Robert Glasper concert at the Dakota that night (I did) and ... well, I did some other things and got tired, and at around 2 in the morning I hit the hay, even though I thought I had already set the alarm.  But I didn't.  I knew that because I woke up at around, get this, a quarter to noon.

At first I was like, "What the fuck?!" and I checked my phone to see that I didn't sleep through the alarm but, most likely, I never set the alarm in the first place.  But then I calculated that I slept for 9 1/2 hours.  I haven't slept for more than, oh, 5 1/2 hours since ... well, since I can remember, and I definitely hadn't slept for at least the "recommended" eight hours in a long, long time.  And I felt refreshed.  And I needed rest to knock out what's left of my coughing fit, which I want to think I did.  (Oh, and I'm glad I could sleep uninterrupted until 11:45; no way could I do that with my parents making a ruckus outside my bedroom door.)

So, yeah, I missed getting a free biscuit, and I am sort-of upset that I didn't do what I had planned to do for some time.  But on the whole of it, I didn't mind because I was able to sleep in for an extra, oh, 2:15.  And besides, this one time this Chick-Fil-A closed their doors well before their stated lobby closing time and didn't provide an explanation.  So I went around to the packed drive-thru, and that's where the minivan started to overheat, so whatevs, I don't have completely fond memories of that place.

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