Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Man, That (Legitimate) Massage Hit The Spot

First time in months I went up to my masseuse -- I've been using her off and on for the past nine months, so I think I have a masseuse now -- to get all the knots and kinks out of my system.  That didn't happen, but it's a sign of how badly, well, broken my body is.  She has very strong hands, and so I feel all the tension coming out (or trying to come out) of my fascia.  But last/Tuesday night more intense than any other session.  It was painful, truly painful.  But she did her best to work out the stress built up all over my body but especially my problem areas like the left side of my neck, the left side of my hip, and the nerves connecting to my lower back.

I have learned to take it easy on my body after massage sessions, and I am doing my best to heed that.  I am not much of a water drinker, but I am trying to drink a lot of water now, although I drank a hell of a lot of water right after my 90 minutes.  I ate light and healthy -- sort of; I ate a salad, then decided to put together a smoothie, which I feel right now as I type this.  And then I ate one salami and a piece of roast beef (shrug)

But it's the edict of rest that I heed the easiest.  I've stayed up more than I should lately, and I have thought about just conking off.  I did that around 11:30 when I usually stay up till 2:30 or so.  And I'm up; heck, I was alert about 15 minutes before my alarm went off.  I think proper rest is the best way for my body to recuperate after a massage.  Besides, I don't think I'll get a lunchtime nap because the company at work is giving away free sandwiches for lunch, and I'll need to eat that.  All the more reason, then, to sleep early.  And now I feel ... better.  Probably need to drink a lot more water.  And I probably could use another massage later in the week ... though that one will be of the "illegitimate" kind!

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