Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Goddammit, My Sister's Coming Home To Visit

Yes, I love my sister.  And I will do as much as I can with her while she is home -- a place, by the way, she does not necessarily want to go, but I think she felt like she needed to get away from my brother-in-law.  But I have to confess that when she told me she was coming home last week, and she's arriving this weekend and staying for a week, she basically fucked up my plans.

Said plans included finally getting a much-needed massage on Friday and working out during the daytime, something that obviously is rare when you're working 9 to 5, so I wanted to take advantage of that this week, since I'm working second shift.  But last weekend she told me she was coming in overnight Friday/early Saturday morning.  I'm a vibe kind of guy, and I was hoping that on Friday I would wake up late, immediately go to the massage, come home, take a nap, work, then come home again to begin enjoying my weekend.  But now I have to go all the way down to the airport to pick her up -- not relaxing.  Furthermore, her plane arrives at a quarter to 2.  I am done at midnight, but it doesn't make sense to go back up to my house and chill for an hour before I have to go all the way down to the south side of the metro area.  There is overtime available for pick-up at work, and so I might as well spend another hour or so after I should be done just to occupy my time before picking up sis.  But working nine hours instead of eight is taxing on my body, and I think I have to eat something unhealthy just for my mental state.  So bye-bye, benefits of a massage.

What is worse is that my sister wants her bedroom to be clean.  She thinks I'm a maid?!  This edict from hers has freaked me out.  She wants clean sheets, so I spent Monday washing and drying her pillowcases.  But does she use a bedsheet as well?  Meanwhile, after I asked for clarification, goddammit, she wants her floor mopped and/or swept.  So I fucking bought a goddamn Swiffer yesterday/Tuesday just so I could mop her bedroom floor.  I thought about buying one because I could use it for my bedroom too, but still, damn!

I am being selfish about this, I know.  But I wanted a quiet week where I didn't have to shell out any money, and because of her, it's become the opposite.  Yesterday/Tuesday I was hoping I could just stay home, go out to work and come back.  But now that sis is coming home, I spent damn well near $100 on not only the Swiffer but all the other things I couldn't help but buy because I spent money that day and hey, in for a penny, in for a pound.  And since I'm not done preparing her bedroom, I don't know if I have the time to go work out in the morning or early afternoon.  And I hate that.  Plus, as of right now, her bedroom isn't clean.

But I love my sis, and I look forward to seeing her -- right?

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