Friday, May 19, 2023

I Fixed It All By Myself!!!

Yesterday/Thursday morning, right before I was headed off to work, I noticed a hissing sound coming from my toilet.  I didn't use it in the morning (for variety's sake I used the master bathroom downstairs), but as I was walking back to my bedroom I heard it.  It was loud, so loud I wondered why I didn't hear it overnight, or even the previous evening.

I could not for the life of me diagnose what was going on.  There wasn't any obvious leaks anywhere, and once both the bowl and the tank filled up with water the water stopped -- well, supposedly.  I think I know my way around the inner workings of a toilet a little bit, and I pulled off a hose to see that water was dripping out when it shouldn't have.  I was pressed for time, and what I really wanted to do was make the noise stop.  Thankfully, I head my head on straight enough whereby I knew to turn off the water going into the tank.  And I was able to restore my peace.

All day at work I was distracted by going on the Internet to Google "how to stop hissing sound in toilet," or variations thereof.  There were some sites I got to that said I needed to take out the, uh, fill valve assembly, or something.  But I was hoping for a simple silver bullet, and I figured I might as well start off with something simple.  If it were indeed complicated, I probably would make things worse if I tried to disassemble something.  So the simplest thing I saw was to, uh, wash the inlet water valve of sediment and deposits.

I did that as soon as I got home from work.  And guess what?  That did the trick!!!  After I washed the gasket and everything else (and I used CRL, even though that may have been overkill), I put everything back together and turned the water back on.  I flushed the toilet again, saw the bowl and then the tank fill and once the water filled to where it had to go, it stopped ... and there was no more hissing.  Ah, the sound of silence!  It means I was able to fix it.  And all by myself!!  I'm a big boy now!!!

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