Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I Need To Be Aware Of The Non-Zero Possibility I'll Be Fired

Working in The Fourth Department on a regular basis, at least for the time being, means a steady chance of making mistakes.  And I do so, on the regular.  I wonder if my higher-ups think I should not be making those mistakes by now, and that by doing so, I'm proving that I'm not cut out for it.  I think I am; I'm just human.  But still, you know?

Something happened yesterday/Monday that might be a bit more egregious than my other fuck-ups.  Let's just say that someone from some other department thinks I said something to someone whom I was not really allowed to speak so freely.  I don't think I said anything untoward, and I am pretty sure I didn't break any laws.  But the way I described it in our ... well, let's just say our log of communication, it may have given someone the idea that I was a little loose with my information.  Which I was not; I was careful to provide as much info as I could, but no further.  That doesn't mean someone won't believe me and have me fired.

On top of all that is a newish revelation that higher-higher-ups are looking closely at the overtime we're pulling in.  That seems strange since we are seriously short-staffed.  There are now regular calls for people to work OT and the work still lags behind.  But according to my direct superiors, the kind of OT we're working is under scrutiny.  As someone who works The Fourth Department, I don't think I have to say anything as to why I am working more than eights hours a day back there; it just goes with the territory.  But one time a few weeks ago, my boss e-mailed me asking what exactly I was doing that forced me to stay longer than my shift.  I told him ... and he hasn't asked me about it again.  But we had a meeting saying that they are watching.  Am I supposed to give an e-mail to my boss every single time I stay past eight hours?  He hasn't said that specifically -- I don't think -- but is he presuming that I should be just e-mailing him, and since I haven't, I have committed repeated cases of insubordination that subjects me to termination?  Because there's a non-zero percent chance that's the possibility.

My fucking God, I am getting paranoid that I'm not doing enough to cover my ass, even though I'm doing a lot of shit at work.  Yes, and it's not right 100% of the time.  Goddammit -- I screw up, and I don't tell people why I'm working late.  That's two reasons I'll be fired, ffs.

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