Saturday, May 27, 2023

New Desktop As Paperweight

Father bought a desktop a year or so ago, but he put it back in its box because he wasn't going to be home much nowadays.  Instead, he keeps using his very old desk, one that I think still runs on Windows 7.  That does make a kind of sense if you're OCD.  Then again, would it really hurt to just, you know, use a new desktop, even if you're only going to use it sparingly, if the old one is using a no-longer up-to-date operating system?

Anyway, even though I think they're not going to be here for more than a month, yesterday/Friday Father took out this new desktop.  On our way home from the airport he said something about Microsoft automatically updating the very old, Windows 7 computer.  Anyway, after dinner and before I wanted to take a much-needed, start-of-Memorial Weekend/start-of-long-holiday nap, Mother shouted out from the basement to Father about asking me for his help with something.  That something was helping Father get into the new computer because he forgot the password.

I don't remember the circumstances for why we needed to set up a password to get into it in the first place because if he was going to mothball this new desk, why set up a password to get into it when we all know we're going to forget it?  Maybe there was no way to use it without it.  Anyway, I remember seeing this new computer one day and not seeing it the next.  When I brought it up with my parents, Father showed me that he stashed it back in its box.  I thought that would be trouble later because we would have to re-learn and remember everything, including the password, but that's a problem for when that day comes.

Well, that day came yesterday/Friday, and I spent a frustrating several minutes trying to type all of our pet passwords we regularly deploy (I know that's not secure, but c'mon, everybody does that, and if you say you don't, you're a liar) and keep getting rejected.  We brought up the security questions, but we forgot the answers, including the pet answers we regularly deploy.  We could use a password reset disk, but we don't know where that is.  So now there is a new, barely-used desktop computer that might as well be a paperweight because it's not doing anything.

I just looked up a way that I might be able to circumvent this all, but I'll do that for my parents after I get home from watching the EFL Championship Play-Up Match this/Saturday morning and going to the library.  Hope it works; otherwise, this computer is pretty damn useless.

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