Monday, June 5, 2023

Bad Driver: PRG 112

I was just minding my own business going south on East River Road (which I had to take because 94 was closed for the weekend and I wanted to set the "Loti" pencil, a storm-murdered tree that was turned into a very realistic, blown-up-Claes Oldenburg-style pencil on the front lawn of a guy who lives in a tony part of Minneapolis) when this fucker in a black Jeep cuts right in front of me, even though there was no one within a half a mile of us, even though there was no turn he (I'm assuming it's a he) just caught in time.  And I'm even more insulted when he turns on his signal only after his whole ass is in my lane.

I so totally want to report this asshole, but I know this is something that doesn't rise to the level of road rage driving.  But this motherfucker didn't give enough clearance before cutting in front of me; that has to be illegal, right?

Oh, by the way, the occasion (on Saturday, BTW) was that the owner of the house with the tree was "sharpening" the pencil.  He started it last year and apparently he's trying to make it an annual thing.  But there was no real sharpening, dammit.  Someone just put a pointy "tip" on top of the "dull" pencil and acted as though they sharpened it.  They constructed a giant student sharpener -- you know, the rectangular one, usually red, you carried with you if you were Gen X.  They put it on top of the stalk, and two guys circled around it as if to "sharpen" it.  But it was all a lie.  I really thought some guy was going to take a chainsaw and make the top pointy.  That would be cool.  What I saw instead was A LIE!!!

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