Thursday, June 8, 2023

Is It Time To Criticize My Co-Worker?

So I've been, for the past couple months at least, in a routine for my workweek.  The first half I am in The Fourth Department, where I get to sleep in late but have so much shit that comes my way that I usually stay past eight hours and sometimes, like yesterday/Wednesday, need to stay almost all ten.  The back half I am in The Main Department, which, and I maybe could do a blog post about it, is starting to bore me to tears.

I am splitting time in The Fourth Department with the new person.  Actually she's not that new now (and she actually moved here from another department; in fact, I think she's worked there longer than I have), but she is now up to speed back there and so takes the back half of the week.  Wednesdays, BTW, used to be hers back there, but for the time being it'll be mine because she is training in her fourth and final department.  Pretty soon, she'll be full versed in everything, just like me.

She's solid.  Can't say I know her all that well, but she's bright, dedicated, and easy to get along with.  I like her.  I really do!  That being said ... I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm in a mood, or maybe I'm suffering from PTSD after last week's colonoscopy, but I've noticed some things about her that irk me as we pass stuff between us.  They are, in order of most to least annoying:
  • There is a function by which we go into a software database we have and record, for each form we come across, the information we need to retrieve and how we are attempting to retrieve it (as in did we e-mail or fax, and who the person we tried to contact is).  Without saying too much (because it's hard to describe and I don't want to bore you with the details), it's easy to not do this job.  In fact, it's easiest to not do it until you get the info you need; then, you can just go to this screen and type up all the information.  But that's not what that's necessarily there for.  You open up this screen/record and it stays "open" because you haven't gotten the information yet.  That's OK; in fact, someone else -- say, for example, the person relieving you in The Fourth Department -- will need to know where we both are in the process of this retrieval if the contact hasn't given us what we want yet.  Without this screen, your work is incomplete.  And yet it looks as though she doesn't do this.  I do, however, and I have make sure that the ones for which the forms aren't complete get this open record up so we all know where in the info-gathering process we are.  And if we don't get the info back I could, well, "dummy" up a screen that I open and then immediately close.  But that's still work, and that's rudimentary work that is so easy the person who initially touched this form should be doing, not me.
  • Another problem with passing this job between us (and the more I complain about it here on Wailing And Failing, the more I think I should talk to my supervisor and boss about my complaints) is that when people do e-mail us back with the information we need, he or she may be sending it back to us when we're not in The Fourth Department.  We usually try and make sure a copy of our e-mail CC's our shared department e-mail address, but sometimes the respondent does not hit Reply All.  So, what we are supposed to do is once we see this e-mail, we forward it to our general dept. address.  Unfortunately, some of these are secured messages (I understand the need for them, I still hate them), and so we can't forward them because the other person doesn't (or at least shouldn't) have the password of the other person's account in order to access that secure e-mail.  So what I do is open it up, print it out, go back to The Fourth Department, pick up that physical copy, scan it into my e-mail address, give the physical copy to her so she can staple it to the copy of the form for which it's for (you still with me?) and then tell her I will forward her an image of that same e-mail because we need to put that image in another record-keeping database we maintain.  Well, I don't think she does that, at least on a regular basis.  Instead, she forwards the secure e-mail I can't open, and then e-mails me a copy of the secure e-mail she has opened up.  That's frustrating because I sometimes reply to that first e-mail, and when she tells basically tells me, "Oh, we have the answer here," I've wasted some time and maybe annoyed a person who has to send the same information twice.  What I do is better because I am more thorough about the information I pass along so that nothing has to be repeated.
  • When she cleans up the desk before she leaves on the weekend, I believe she spins the mousepad upside-down.  I come in on Monday and I see the pad with the, you know, pad side on top.  It's supposed to be the other way around.  That pad, or bump, is where you rest your wrist so as to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.  Why in the hell is she spinning around the pad?  Does she not understand what the pad is for?  Does she think carpal tunnel syndrome is a hoax?  Is she anti-carpalite?  And even if she is, she must see other people use an ergonomic mouse pad correctly, right?  So why can't she just leave it the way it should be, with that rest/bump/pad down where the wrist is?  The more I think about it, the more freaked out by it I am.  That's fucking weird!
You know, instead of bitching about this to my blog, maybe I should take it up with her, or our supervisor, or our boss.  That's the mature way of handling things, right?

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