Saturday, June 10, 2023

Fuck This Rude And Impatient Prick, Part II

OK, so where was I?

Yeah, I wasn't going to be a dick about going to the bathroom.  And, for what it's worth, even though he got there before me, we both got to our destination.

So now, assuming that I take this not as an L but as a W, how do I get back on this fucker?  I literally back up after I pee and make him go around me, that's what?  Yeah, I was peeing like normal, and for some reason I stepped backwards like a weirdo instead of turning around and getting away from the urinal by moving forward and I backed up in front of him.  He moved around me.  A little.  I think.  I'll take that as revenge!!!

I don't know why people like him piss me off.  It's not like I can do anything about it.  But they do piss me off.  Because they are rude and they need to fucking pay.  So I probably will get into trouble trying to "get back at" these people in the future by doing something stupid, but those motherfuckers need to be taught a lesson, or at least be as inconvenienced as other people are when they inconvenience them.  Fuck 'em!

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