Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Fuckin' Twitter Troll

You can't really believe what you see on social media.  I got that reminder earlier this week when I got into a spat with this ... well, honestly, I don't know who this person is.  It was about, of all things, The Hartford Whalers.  I was arguing somewhere on Twitter (I don't remember) that the hockey team down in Raleigh is performing a less-important version of cultural appropriation with taking Hartford's history and logo and colors and the use of "Brass Bonanza" and all that.  So she (and apparently this person identifies as a female) questioned what I meant by that.

This is where I looked up her bio.  Apparently she is a lawyer and an advocate for LGBTQ and disabled rights.  She sounds cool, we just might have a slight disagreement on relocating teams.  So I tweeted back that I didn't understand how she didn't understand how the concept of appropriation applied in this case.  And then I went to work.

I didn't think much of it, or her.  But while I was checking Twitter during my break she insulted me.  I waited until I got home because I had other, more important things to do, and then I answered.  How, it doesn't matter; I don't remember because it's been several days.  But as soon as I replied to her, she, or "she," replied back, manifold, and not with cogent arguments but with insults.  I don't want to repeat those here either because that would be validating her bullshit, so I won't.  I will say that once I got home and decided to respond to her, this person responded almost immediately.  It was as if  she was just waiting for me to respond to her, putting marks on her phone because she was clutching it so damn tight.  Or, she isn't a "she" and this person is just some troll who was trying to get me going.

You see, this person, whoever she/he/they/it was, didn't really present an argument.  This person just kept insulting me.  I don't think this person cared about franchise relocation, or cultural appropriation.  I don't know this person even knows those concepts.  "She" just kept lashing out with bullshit without trying to counter my argument on the three lines of arguments "she" started almost immediately after I carefully and logically stated my viewpoint on those three lines.

At some point I had to take a step back.  Why in the fuck am I letting this person get to me?  I'm not going to change her/his/their/its mind.  I'm not even sure this person's gender.  All the stuff about her championing LGBTQ and disabled rights?  It all could be fucking bullshit.  Goddamn, this could be an Artificial Intelligence chatbot for all I know!  This ... thing had nothing to come back to me on about the topic "she" initially tried to come at me about, and then "she" showed no continuing interest in telling me how I was wrong about Hartford hockey.

But she, or "she," kept spewing her bullshit.  And after two days of going nowhere, I had to come to the conclusion that this ... being was just being a fuckin' troll.  And I said goodbye and blocked the account.  I try to keep faith in mankind, and I was hoping I could engage in some grown-up conversation in the hopes I could convince someone of the error in her/his/their/its ways.  But ... nah.

Frankly, I'm worried that whoever this person is is going to find this blog post and stalk me with more insults.  If how I am describing the nature of this Twitter spat seems vague and cryptic to you, that's why.  I'm scared that whoever or whatever this person or thing is won't stop.

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