Saturday, August 31, 2024

Guess I Should Start Packing, No?

I leave tonight and besides piling a few things (my 3-1-1 toiletry sandwich bag, my plug-in charger and earplugs), I haven't started packing.  I think I have decided to pack clothes I am still wearing.  But honestly, I think I haven't given it a second thought.  I should; not paying attention to what I need to take with me now will open up the possibility that I am rushing to throw everything into a suitcase and not figuring out I need to bring something I totally forgot.  That's where I'm at right now.

Have to be honest: If I didn't have to use that huge Seatgeek voucher in one fell swoop, I would not take this trip.  My plan -- and I thought SeatGeek told me this was possible -- was to use these over the course of the year on, like, three or more local concerts.  But I was lied to, and so I needed a big-ticket event to use all $149 on it.  My alma mater's football opener in Las Vegas was the only thing I could think of that interested me.  And then other things fell into place that made this vacay sensible: I could finally use my parents' condo, which they have repeatedly offered to me to use for fun; I could see my alma mater for the first time in years; and I have a solo vacation to boot.  To be clear, I would not miss those things if I didn't need to use this credit all at once.  So maybe that's why I'm so nonplussed about packing: It's not as if I am totally looking forward to this vacation, even though I should be.

Welp, time to pack.

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