Sunday, August 4, 2024

Olympics Thoughts

I haven't seen much of the Olympics, to be honest with you.  I only care if I can see these events live, and since they're taking place in Paris, which is seven hours ahead of me, most of the sports finish by the late afternoon, when I am usually at work.  And I've been busy on the weekends (save today; I plan on staying at home and not even cracking open the front door), so I haven't been able to get into it when I'm not at work.  Feel bad, but these Olympics have been more of a rumor to me.  I get the news after the fact on Twitter/X and The Athletic, so I know what happened.  I just don't know what happened as it happens.

Still, it's obvious that Americans are really into these Games, way more than the one in Tokyo three years ago.  We were still coming out of the pandemic then, plus the Summer Olympics being held in the Far East when most events take place overnight here made it hard to get into, or even care.  Which is too bad, because I know the athletes then were working just as hard.

Moreover, I think the world is more interested in these Summer Games, too.  The number of memes I've seen on social media for the Paris Games far exceed the ones I've seen for Tokyo, as noticed by Andrew Bucholtz of Awful Announcing.  Actually, as I think about it, I don't remember any memes from the Tokyo Games.

Those are my thoughts.

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