Sunday, August 4, 2024

Running In Place Financially

So I went to the ATM yesterday/Saturday afternoon to get money for the first time in a long time.  And I saw the balance; it's still below five figures, which to me has become the threshold by which I feel I "have money."  Now, I do have money below five figures, obviously, but I noticed when I fell below that mark.  I think that was at least a few months ago, and I have not gotten above that mark since.

And this is where I take mental stock on all the things I spend my money on.  I think I have cut back on entertainment options, in particular messing around with strippers.  I do eat out, but I have cut back on that, too.  I think what has changed, or at least I thought would change, was all the food I would get in the morning before heading into work.  That adds up, and now that The Fourth Department has slowed down to the point where it now seems easy (and I never thought I would ever say that), I don't have the excuse/crutch of needing a mocha from McDonald's or Caribou whenever I'm back there.  Now, I don't think I can quit cold turkey.  But I think I have averaged three days a week, and I think I can cut it to two.  And I might go down to one if my checking account doesn't grow.

I may be over-emphasizing it in order to pity myself, but I do have those occasional big charges that come at me out of the blue.  There are necessary things, like car maintenance.  And then there are things such as travelling to Las Vegas to see my alma mater.  They come up on occasion, and if you have budgeted yourself up to some level of discipline, a big charge like that would ruin everything.

Speaking of which ... the reason I went to the ATM yesterday/Saturday afternoon was because my parents are now gone and I have the whole house to myself, so I invited ******e and her new friend *****a to savage me and yank on my cock.  It was worth spending the money.  And so I won't go online and look at my account for a while.

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