Thursday, August 1, 2024

Just Like Old Times

The sleep debt I'm accruing over sleeping only 3 1/2 hours overnight caught up with me big time yesterday/Wednesday at work.  I thought the longest hour of work was my last hour.  I was wrong.  One of my co-workers once remarked that the longest hour actually is the last one before lunch.  That makes sense; I haven't gotten my lunchtime nap in yet, so if I'm not awake coming in to work, I'll feel the fatigue worst of all then.  And I did; right before it was lunch, my eyes started to droop real, real bad and I felt my head start to fall.  I was about to pass out, right at my desk, because I was so bleepin' tired.  I was able to snap my head, and thank Buddha it was lunch time right then and there; I got to my car and within three minutes, I'm sure I was out like a light.

The last time I was so fatigued was when I was a temp for Radisson World Headquarters about two decades ago.  I thought my body maturing eliminated situations like yesterday.  I swear, that has been the most tired I've ever been at this job.  Don't want to do that again.


Ever since I frightened myself with my bit of road rage when I got caught off in April, I have not revved my engine at all.  Seriously.  I have seen assholes in trucks pass me by and I go, "OK, man, you do you."

But ever since I got a clean bill of my health for my car from the shop a couple weeks ago, I feel the urge to drive like a bat out of hell again.  I have listened to the angels of my better nature ... until leaving work for home yesterday/Wednesday.  Since it was early enough in the afternoon that I didn't think highway traffic had built up yet, I decided to take the fast way home.  That involves taking a right onto a long road that becomes a de facto on-ramp to the highway.

I make this turn just as oncoming traffic, from the left, got the green light from the intersection.  One of the vehicles is, of course, a black truck that is gaining ground on me even though the two lanes were going to merge into one.  I know the asshole wanted to get past me because he overestimated how much asphalt he had, so he accelerated quickly through the other lane.  But fuck that, bitch, I stepped on the gas pedal and made sure that motherfucker had to merge behind me.  Ha!  I had to step on my brake to merge into traffic, but it was worth it!

Takes me back to when I didn't think I had to baby my car.  Hope I haven't hurt it.


The Vampire Weekend concert I bought a ticket for was last/Wednesday night.  (Review: VW has a lot of songs I know now.  And Ezra Koenig is a unique kind of frontman, unthreatening and affable.)  They started at 8:30 and ended before 11.  Nowadays, if I had known that they would start and end that late on a school night, I wouldn't go to the concert (I said this in my last blog post), but I was dazzled over Live Nation trying to save face and offering tickets for $25 not too long ago.

I waited out the storm that passed through by taking a power nap that lasted only 90 minutes to which I set an alarm.  (Feel really alert right now, BTW.)  Thought that if it were storming all night I would actually skip the concert, but when I woke up there was a hole in the storm whereby I thought I could drive downtown and walk to the Armory without getting wet.  So I told my parents that ... I was meeting a friend ... and that I would be back by 10, or so.  I think I arrived home around 11:20.

Man, I haven't 1) lied and 2) underestimated to my folks when I would get back home by at least an hour since I just got out of college and they were worried what I was doing with my life.  Man, just like old times!


Yesterday/Wednesday was a blast from the past.  Those were the days!

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