Saturday, August 10, 2024

She Trusts Me

So have I told you that my ATF at My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Edition) and I have exchanged phone numbers and now text each other?  Yeah, I think I talked about this, but I text her when I can visit her at the club.  That's all that is; we haven't really engaged in small talk or anything like that.  I don't think I have much of a personality to talk about other things besides if she's working on a particular day.  But also, I don't want to come off as, well, a weird creep who's only interested in sleeping with her.  I am interested in sleeping with her, but she's a cool woman, and I've known her for upwards of two decades, and I really, really just want to be friends with her more than anything.

I don't think this is a big milestone, but she texted me pictures for the first time yesterday/Friday.  While I was getting dances from her, she talked about how she's been busy renovating her home -- specifically that she's been tiling.  She said she'd send over pics of her work, and she did.  I thought it was her floor, but these are on her walls.  Impressive.  Not that I would know anything about what goes into it.  Really, I don't care about decorating or even making a house look good.  What I need is shelter.  What I need is to make sure there is a roof over my head, and there are no holes or leaks.  I could never do what she has done.  And she might not be done with her projects.

Beyond that, she taking photos of something ... well, not intimate but a bit more personal from her (let alone the fact that she is showing me pictures of her house, even if it is just walls) shows that she trusts me even further.  I appreciate that, and I don't take that for granted.  This is where we are, and I'm very, very grateful for that.

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