Thursday, August 15, 2024

Not At My Best Last/Wednesday Night

Yeah, I continue to get drowsy the hour before I go to lunch at work.  Need to work on that, maybe.

I have this OCD thing where ... well, a long time ago, my parents (actually Father) widened our driveway from two car lengths to three.  I think he wanted to be able to park three cars at our house.  It's actually a good thing; when it comes to trash and recycling day (and they come at the same day for us), we can put the bins at the edge of the driveway at the "lane" besides the ones our cars are in.  One time (and this is when the driveway was three car lengths wide) my sister was going out to work and I forgot that the recycling bin was behind her car at the end of the driveway.  She bowled the bin over.  She was already acting as though she was going to be late, so I felt bad that I made her more late by 1) putting the bin there and 2) not telling her.

Anyway, my OCD is that of the two cars that are now there, when I use both, I park back in the lane that was empty.  Know what I mean?  I want all the parts of the driveway to be used evenly.  Well, I drove my car out to work and back.  When I returned, I parked in the middle "lane," the one from which I backed out in the morning.  I didn't pay attention to which "lane" I had left from, so I made a guess that I was parked in the rightmost one in the morning.  I know I was wrong because, after I parked, I saw a spot of oil on the rightmost lane, and I remembered seeing that spot (I'm guessing it's from my parents' minivan, which I have been using while they've been gone) when I went out in the morning.

So for today/Thursday, I have to park on the other one, the rightmost one.  And I get to "make up for it" because I have to use my car twice, to work and then to see a screening of The Palm Beach Story.  I would alternate spots on my driveway, but to make things right (at least in my OCD-addled brain), I drive out of the middle "lane," drive back home from work (and, well, I need to get groceries and Father's medicine, too) and park in the right "lane," leave to go to the movie, and then come back (after getting Chick-Fil-A) and park in the right "lane" again.  To assist in that, I have put the trash bin at the bottom of the right "lane."  I sometimes use it as a marker on trash day; I won't run into it in the morning because I'm in a different lane, but when I come back from work and shopping, I will drive around the (empty I assume) trash bin and park in that same "lane."

I have to do that to make up for my mistake.


I am somewhat concerned about COVID, especially since my parents are coming home from safari.  Moreover, I still have a lot of those tests you could get for free.  I have no idea if they're any good or if they're expired, but I plan on using all but one (I probably will save that one for safekeeping).

I used one last/Wednesday night because I have been out and about.  I wanted to see if I had it.  You know they tell you (at least for the version of test I have) that once you put the swab in place, wait between 15 and 30 minutes for the results?  Well, I forgot that.  I was doing the laundry and irrigating my nose, and then I was on my roller to break up my fascia, and then I realized I still had the test to look at, but it was about, oh, about 20 minutes after I "can" look at my results before it apparently is unreliable.  It's negative, but I'm not supposed to be able to trust it.  So I have to take out the other test in the box and use that one tonight/Thursday night.  So stupid, and it's my fault.


Oh yeah, I didn't follow instructions to turn inside out a shirt I needed to wash last/Wednesday night.  It was one my aunt (whose husband, my uncle, died in March) bought for me last year when she and her sister (I guess my other aunt) went to Australia to visit her side of the family as a present and gift for taking them to the airport.  I remember looking at the wash tag, but I probably looked at "wash inside out" and then completely forgot about it.

Now, there's a chance that I did in fact turn it inside out before I washed it.  And besides, every single piece of clothing I have has not been washed (nor dried) per instructions every single time.  My Father continues to wash my clothes since he has nothing else to do while he's here, and I'm sure he's a wash hot/dry high kind of guy, so all my clothes are beat up like that.  Still, it was the first time I was washing this pretty nice polo, and it would have been nice to wash it how I was supposed to.


Damn.  This evening has not lived up to my standards.  I need to expect better of myself.

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