Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I may have gotten an hour of sleep overnight last/Monday night.  Kind of what happens when you almost pay off all your sleep debt over the weekend; I got about 7 1/2 hours of sleep Sunday and napped for another two or so Sunday evening.

Even though it was hot as the devil's balls outside, I was tired enough to take a hard nap for lunch yesterday/Monday afternoon at work.  Felt refreshed the whole workday -- even in the morning, come to think of it -- and I got home and ate.  And then, as the evening started to creep up and my parents went out for their after-dinner walk around the neighborhood, my head started to feel really, really heavy while I was relaxing while doomscrolling.  I got so tired that, even though I was lying in bed, my eyes started to droop and my arm started to collapse.  I caught myself, but that was terrifying.  I mean, what if I were driving instead of in my bed?  I wanted to stay up until my folks got home from their walk.  It was difficult, but I heard the front door open, and then I was able to relax, toss my phone to the side, and nap for a couple hours.

That sudden pass-out may have happened to me while in my bedroom once before.  Scary as hell.


Oh, and as I am trying to clean up things in anticipation for my quick weekend trip to Las Vegas, I accidentally washed a shirt wrong.  It was a white shirt with the logo of the old minor league baseball team I interned for when I was in El Paso.  I checked the tag that said to wash it delicately, but I forgot that and I put it in the regular wash with my other white t-shirt and all my white socks.  Other times I would have figuratively beat myself over the head over that mistake, but tonight ... meh.  Maybe I should remember the times I'm nonplussed about screwing up the next time I make a mistake and go ballistic at myself for it.  Hey, it's just a shirt that probably has been washed wrong before.  Who cares, right?

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