Sunday, August 18, 2024

I Just ... Did Nothing

I went to have lunch at a place close to the U.  Just as I was getting done, a crazy woman asked for cigarettes, lipped off to the only server who was at the place, and then spat on her.  My God, I have never seen that shit before.

And as much as I shouldn't make this about me, I need to check what I did in response to that -- which was nothing.  I ignored this crazy lady, but I was shocked that she would do such a thing, and that's why I didn't do anything, I guess.

But that's no excuse.  And that sure as shit doesn't make me feel good.  There were two other guys there, both of them alone and, along with me, sitting at the bar.  None of us could come to her rescue and ... well, I was going to say kill her, or maybe beat her up.  But that would be illegal, wouldn't it?  What she did was misdemeanor assault, but we can't do anything because we would be arrested for, you know, actual battery.  So we just ... let that bitch just get away with it.  That's not right.  Frankly, I'd prefer if we, or maybe just I, jumped this woman for what she did.  I'd run from the scene, and I'd hope those three others would let me get away with it.

I replay in my head what I should have done.  If I were security, I think I would do something because that would be my job.  If I were a regular at this place to the point I knew this server, I think I would do something because this cunt hurt my friend.  But I am neither and, well, that would be two other reasons I froze.  And it still doesn't make me feel any better.

One other complication: I know I am going back to this place in a couple months.  My alma mater's football team is playing up here, and this place will host the pre-game.  I doubt anyone crazy will walk around a college neighborhood a few hours before a Game, but I know see proof about the area not being quite quiet.  Besides, there's a chance this server will be there again, and my presence there will trigger bad memories for her, and I don't want to do that to her.

The server cried, man.  The server cried.  And I didn't do a goddamn thing?

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