Saturday, August 24, 2024

So I was woken up today by Father knocking on the door.  Lunch time, of course.  It was Burger King this time; they even bought a "wild cherry" Slurpee/Big Gulp-like frozen drink.

I was kind of groggy, but I finally was able to peep the time on the stove clock.  It was past noon.  Well!  I think I went to bed a bit past 3, so getting in nine hours of sleep, after the work schedule I had and after a night walking and eating at the Minnesota State Fair, seemed very doable.  But for all my folks know, I was just lolling around in my bed since 9 in the morning.

Or so I thought.  After we got done with our BK, I checked my phone in my bedroom.  Father called and left me not one but two voicemails around a quarter after 11.  Uh ... I turned off my phone ... ?

He hated how I woke up very, very late.  He hasn't busted my balls over it for the past, oh, ten or 15 years, or since I got regular work.  But this might the instance when he'll blow his top and say something.  Let's see when we eat dinner today and then I say I have to leave really early because of (and I'm not going to tell my parents this) the MNUFC soccer Match.

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