Sunday, August 25, 2024

I'm A Teenage Rebel Again!

And just as I feared, Father talked to me last/Saturday night about today/Sunday.  He first asked me if I were going anywhere, to which I said, "Uh, I don't know."  And so he asked me to mow the lawn.  I checked the lawn yesterday/Saturday afternoon after I woke up.  From the second floor, the grass doesn't look tall at all.  Now, when I got into my car and was able to see it close-up, yesh, I guess it could use a military trim, but it wasn't that bad.  It was last mowed last Sunday.  I know that because Father fuckin' mowed the lawn and woke me out of bed at 8 o'clock in the goddamn morning.

And then, as he was leaving, he threw in a, "Maybe you should go to bed!"  And it's 3 in the fucking morning and I have no fucking plans on going to bed.  He just turned me back into a teenage rebel again!  You want me to mow the lawn!  OK then, I'll go wake up in the early morning and go to the Black Hart to watch EPL first, then go to St. Thomas and see the Tommies women's soccer team play the University of Minnesota, and then I'll go get gas for my car, and then I'll stop by Dairy Queen because it'll probably be past 1 p.m. and that's when the Excessive Heat Warning starts (and it won't end until 8 Monday evening), and then I'll mow.  OK?  I ain't staying home.  I'll mow the lawn, but I ain't staying home.  And I'll mow when I want to fucking mow.

But ... OK, so I spent last night at the MNUFC Match.  I got there on time even though the kickoff was 5:30 and not 7:30.  I actually prefer earlier kickoff times, but only if we eat dinner early, and we didn't this time around, probably because we had lunch at noon.  In my mad drive to Allianz Field, I realized I couldn't take my usual route because I would come to a screeching halt in State Fair traffic.  I got to the Match in time, but because I had to drive longer than I usual do, I eschewed sunscreen, and my seat got hit with the blazing sun about 15 minutes into the Game.  Right now, my skin feels like it's on fire.  So, do I really feel good about sitting on iron bleachers with sunscreen but no other sun protection for 105 Minutes when the temperature is supposed to be hotter than it was?  I do not.

Add to it that I would have to wake up early in order to see the EPL, and that I would be driving to essentially the same place in St. Paul two days in a row, something I don't like to do unless it's home or work, and there are many, many reasons not to go out.  Frankly, on the way home from the Match I thought about sleeping in instead of going out.  And even though I can't really do that if I have to mow the fucking lawn ... well, maybe I won't go out.  I take that back; I should get gas for my car, and in my own impotent way of semi-rebellion, I might go out to DQ anyway, because my parents are leaving in the morning to do repairs on the house they own.  So I am going out!  Just not in the way I kind of wanted to go out.  Sorta.

Yeah, I'm a total rebel.

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