Sunday, August 25, 2024

Addendum To: I'm A Teenage Rebel Again!

One factor I didn't consider when sorta deciding whether or not to wake up early to watch soccer before coming home to mow the lawn: How sunny it was going to be.  From what I have observed and remember, when there is an Excessive Heat Warning (EHW), more often than not it is mostly cloudy.  It was kinda like that today: There were times when I mowed that the sun was out and oppressing me, and there were times my skin and soul were saved my clouds.  It is cloudy now, and I am typing this 2 1/2 hours into this EHW.

So maybe I could have endured 105 Minutes of watching St. Thomas host the U. of M. in women's soccer today.  That is moot and past, however; I woke up a quarter to 11, already too late for the EPL Matches, and there was absolutely no way I could make it to St. Paul to watch Tommies/Gophers.  Besides, I think it takes me two hours to mow both lawns, so theoretically, by the time I got done, I would not be in either yard once the EHW goes into effect.

Such as it is, I got done at 12:30.  I treated myself to Dairy Queen (cashed in on some free onion rings), where I stayed till past 1.  I then went to Target to buy some juice (amongst some other things), gassed up the car, then went back to DQ for a sundae where my app had a deal because it was feeling hot outside.

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