Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Expenses Without Receipt

Oh, yeah, I should do this.  Starting from Monday, August 5:
  • And we go back to Saturday, August 3, where I finally got back to Al's Breakfast for the first time in years.  I think I tried eating there some time last year, maybe over winter break, but the line was so long I ditched that plan.  I got there at 6:30 in the morning, and it was a Saturday, and it was before the students came back on campus, and so after about 20 minutes of waiting, a group of eight long-time alums left and four of us singles got to sit.  Got a Wally Blue and half an Eggs Benny, and filled my thermos with the coffee that was poured for me by the really cute college student serving as waitress.  The guy who was at the head of the line waiting for stools (funny, he waited outside the front door when typically people pile into the alley-wide diner and wait menacingly behind those eating) wound up sitting to my right, and right after he got his big plate of food, he needed to use the bathroom.  I didn't know any customer could use what I thought was the private bathroom, but the waitress opened up the bar counter so he could step into the working area and around to the bathroom.  And then I could hear him from, oh, two yards away.  It was either retching or vomiting sounds, one of the two.  And that convinced me I should act like a diner and leave as soon as I was done.  Miss the place; it's a local treasure.  And in this digital age, they remain cash only.  With tip: $22.
  • Afterwards I went to the Black Hart, where I was able to last through the first two of the four Quarterfinals of women's soccer being played at the Olympics that day.  I didn't plan on staying for all four, AKA #DoinTheQuad, because I thought I was going to go into work, but then my boss said I didn't have to.  And then I didn't think I could stay because 1) there were chores I needed to do, 2) I had planned on ******e and *****a double-teaming me, and 3) I was too tired to stay awake -- and I wasn't; I conked off near the end of the final Quarterfinal, where Brazil upset host France.  I used my credit card to pay for cheese curds to pass the time for the second Game, where Spain came back to beat Colombia, but for the first Match, where the U. S. edged Japan, I paid for a Bloody Mary with cash money.  With tip -- and I threw in another dollar once I realized I should have --, it came out to: $9.
  • Just before coming home from the Black Hart I had to pick up medicine for Father at Wal-Mart.  I was prepared to use my credit card, but his cream cost only: $1.
  • So ******e and *****a came over and gave me a HJ.  Well, only ******e did; *****a, for the second straight time, bit my nipple but went nowhere near my dick.  She got totally naked this time, though.  I should talk to ******e about *****a being a bit more, uh, comfortable with me.  Anyway, this was very expensive, but hey, I have needs as a man: $240.
  • Back to Sunday, July 28, where I started off my day going to the car wash because I thought it needed cleaning for when I take my parents to the airport later that week.  Charged the wash, but tipped in money: $3.
  • I then went down to Diamonds to work on my receipts.  Young woman serving me was also hot.  Cup (not bowl) of chili, can of regular Coke and tip came out to: $7.25.
  • And this date is where I will throw in the two pennies I found on the ground (both head's-up, of course) either on this day or another day.  An Infusion of: 2 cents.
  • On Thursday the 25th I went to the Heights Theater for the first time in a long time.  They are showing a retrospective of Elizabeth Taylor's seventies, post-Richard Burton work.  The movie this night was Secret Ceremony, co-starring a young Mia Farrow.  Taylor, who plays a prostitute (even though I don't think there are any overt clues given in the film), is riding on a bus to the cemetery on her to see the grave of her long-passed child.  On the bus, Farrow's character insists she is the mother who left the house a long time ago.  Liz's character sees a similarity of her dead child in Farrow's character.  Farrow invites Taylor to her home and then yells at her for leaving her for so long ... and then Taylor just acts as if she is her mother.  It was at that point where I was permanently lost, and that doesn't include the acts of incest.  Robert Michum shows up as the father-in-law -- hint hint -- and I have to say that Mitchum is a creepy son-of-a-bitch in this one.  More swearing and hints at sexual intercourse than I thought would be in a late-sixties flick.  But yeah, I gotta say no to this one.  But I'm still glad I got back to this beautiful, beautiful theater.  Popcorn and tip for both the popcorn and the organist equals: $7.50.
  • On Tuesday the 25th 23rd I went over to *****y's condo and got a handjob from her.  She is expensive.  I think I still get nasty with her because I know she doesn't give handjobs to just anyone from My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Edition, RIP).  Total: $150.
  • To Saturday, July 230 ... went to Moler to get my face shaved in anticipation for this party happening the following weekend.  Really good shaver.  With tip: $14.
  • Oh, wow -- I have to go all the way back to Wednesday, July 3 where, on my way to seeing the Loons lose, I paid these two kids selling cookies on my way to the stadium.  Nice cookie, and I wanted to encourage their entrepreneurship.  Cost: $1.
  • Finally, back on Tuesday the 2nd (ETA the correct date at 3:11 a.m. on August 12, 2024), Mother gave me money to pay for the electric bill.  I shorted the previous month's bill by ten bucks.  Don't know or remember how that happened.  I thought I paid for the whole bill.  Weird.  Glad the utility doesn't charge interest.  The bill was $85, but because it was $10 more than it should have been, this was an Infusion, by Mother, for: $75.
Good through August 5.

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