Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Two Milestones That Only I Care About, And Even Then I'll Forget About Them Quickly

  1. I decided I was going to work out last/Tuesday night, and of course I have to shower afterward.  That will mark the third straight day I have taken a shower; I needed to shower Sunday after mowing and feeding the lawn, and on Monday because I decided to get my hair cut.  I don't remember the last time I showered three days in a row.  It may seem nasty to not shower every day, but frankly I don't have the time or the energy to do that.  Besides, some experts say that showering three or even two times a week is more than enough.  I like that frequency.  Then again, I have been careless to the point of going a full week between showers.  Sue me.
  2. I was going to blog post about something else until, just now, the air conditioning kicked in.  It hadn't turned on at any point since my parents left for Africa on the 1st.  And after they left, I jacked up the temperatures on the thermostat to 78 degrees (when I'm here) and 85 (when I'm gone).  It has been pleasant -- warm and not humid -- for the past two weeks or so, but just now the temperature and humidity has ticked up enough to trigger the aircon.  Think that's interesting, too.

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