Friday, November 21, 2014

I Doth Protest Too Much

I've been complaining -- to myself, to my shrink, to others -- that I have been pulling too many long hours.  Not necessarily for work, but oftentimes I have to go do things for my parents' real estate holdings that don't allow me to come home till prime time, or later.  That means that if you include the time I get into my car to the time I enter back home, I am doing 12, 13-hour days.

Normally I would chalk that up to other people, namely my parents for wanting me to do things for them.  Or, like on Tuesday, going to a house where the other two don't show up, which would require me to leave work on another day (specifically today) to meet at this house once again.  That really sucks because that dictates time I could otherwise have for myself.

But as much as I like to point the finger, I have to pull the thumb as well.  I often blame traffic for keeping me out so long; I'm done with something, but it's 5 or 5:30, and I hate being stuck on the highway, so I do something so I can wait for traffic to pass for the evening.  That's a big reason why I come home so late.  Add to that me having dinner outside after seeing my psychologist, or on Thursday, going to a stripper party after work, and I don't have too much to complain about when it comes to being up for half the day.  I don't really have to stay out that long; I just choose to.

On top of that I've also been bitching about how much money I spend and how much food I eat.  After this stripper party Thursday, I wanted to see this ex-stripper at this pizza place I think she still works at.  So even though I had a good fill of my stomach with turkey and potatoes and bread and beer at the party, I decided to spend another 90 minutes at a restaurant eating a pizza.  So I didn't get home until 8:45 when I could have gotten home without the mess of traffic at 7.  Plus I spent $15 I didn't have to spend, and as I type this my gut feels like it's hanging out.  Oh, and this ex-stripper wasn't working last night.

So, well, when it comes to coming home late, broke and fat, it's obvious who's protesting too much.

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